Oct 21, 2019

Nuclino turns four!


Nuclino has turned four years old as of this month! 🎉

Exactly four years ago, the first-ever Nuclino account got created. Since then, over 100,000 more followed. As we celebrate Nuclino's fourth birthday, we wanted to say thank you for supporting us along the way.

Looking back

Nuclino has come a long way since 2015, when we built the first prototype and started using it in our own team.

When we designed the original version of Nuclino, we wanted to break the paradigm that software needs to be bloated in order to be powerful. We believed that to be productive, modern teams need simpler and faster tools – and seeing how quickly Nuclino caught on with other teams, it seems that many of you agreed.


Your feedback helped us continuously iterate on the features and interface of Nuclino, turning a basic prototype into a solid, rounded product – one that is used by thousands of companies all over the world to collaborate and share knowledge.

It's inspiring to see Nuclino become integral to the workflow of so many teams. In just four short years, you have created almost 2,000,000 items and left more than 100,000 comments! Some of you shared your stories with us, and there is no better reward than seeing your customers use the tool you built and do something amazing with it.


With your support, we are continuously developing and improving Nuclino to this day. Over the past 12 months, you sent us thousands of messages with feedback and feature requests. We read each and every one, counted your votes, and made sure that the highly requested features made it to our roadmap. By popular demand, this year we have released the dark mode, the drag-and-drop editor, improved version history, image grids and slideshows, and much more! The next update is right around the corner as well.

Thank you ❤️

We say this a lot, because we mean it: thank you for helping us get here. Nuclino wouldn't be what it is today without your trust and support, and we’re working hard to earn and keep it.

These past four years have been incredibly rewarding, and we have a lot planned for year five! Don't miss our next update by following us on Twitter.