Oct 21, 2018

Nuclino is three years old today!


Today marks three full years of Nuclino!

Since the idea for Nuclino was born in 2015, more than 70,000 users from all over the world signed up for the platform, forming over 9,000 teams, both large and small. We got a ton of great feedback from you, released dozens of updates, and have been continuously iterating Nuclino.

And you have been busy as well. During these three years, you have created close to a million Nuclino items! You have trusted us with your most valuable asset – your team's knowledge – we don't take this responsibility lightly and have taken great care to make your experience as pleasurable as possible.

Memory lane

Nuclino began as a passion project when our own team needed a simpler, faster, and more powerful tool for knowledge sharing. Disappointed by existing tools and inspired by the idea of a real-time collaborative wiki, we set out to solve our own problem. The first prototype we built quickly caught on not only with our own team but with thousands of others.

A lot of great things happened over these past three years. Here’s a small recap of the most important milestones in the history of Nuclino:

Today our user base is rapidly approaching 100k!


We cannot express how amazing it feels to put something like this out into the world and discover that so many of you liked our idea.

The road ahead

We have come a long way but we are just getting started and have a lot more in store!

Whether you have been with us from day one or are just joining in, we want you to be a part of our journey, so if you have thoughts or questions let us know on Twitter at @Nuclino.

Thanks again for everything, and stay tuned. We have another great update right around the corner!