Jun 26, 2017

The new Nuclino


We've just released a major update for Nuclino that we've been working on over the last couple of months. Today we're super excited to share it with you!

Introducing workspaces


One of the most important changes is an updated organisational model.


Teams can now be used to keep team members and workspaces organized on a higher level. A team could for example represent a whole company, a department of an organization, or a few people working together on projects.


Workspaces have been introduced as a new layer to organize your team's information around topics or projects such as design, development, or engineering. Workspaces contain collections and items.


Collections help you group items together, for example in stages such as todo, doing, and done. They allow custom ordering of items which makes prioritization easy. All existing collections have been converted to collections automatically.


Items can represent different pieces of information, such as meetings, ideas, plans, tasks, and more. They can be edited in real-time and contain many different kinds of content such as text, images, tables, code, embeds, and more.

Introducing boards


Views allow you to organize, track, and explore items in different ways. Each view has its unique strengths and we're planning to add additional views in the future. Currently, we offer four views:


The recent view provides, as the name implies, a simple list of the most recently created or updated items. It's a great view to to get started without the burden of any structure. It's ideal for ideation or if you just need to capture some information quickly.


The list view provides more structure than the recent view. It let's you organize items in collections. You can quickly create items inside collections and reorder them. A great use case for the list view is the prioritization of multiple items in a backlog.

Board (new)

The board view provides a new way to visually organize items in collections. Just like in Trello you can use it for workflows, topics, and more. However, compared to Trello you additionally can attach large amounts of information like descriptions or extensive specifications to each item using the real-time editor.


The graph view allows you to get a quick visual overview of the collections and items in a team. This view can for example be used to onboard new team members and let them explore the different collections and items of any given workspace.

Moving workspaces between teams


If you have used Nuclino before June 24th, 2017, we automatically migrated all your data to the new version.

Previous Nuclino teams have been converted to new teams. If you'd like to consolidate teams you can now move workspaces between them. To move a workspace to another team, simply do the following:

  1. Navigate to the team and workspace you'd like to move.

  2. Open the main menu by clicking in the top left corner of the app.

  3. Click the "more" menu next to the workspace and click on "Move workspace".

  4. Select the team you'd like to move the workspace to.

Moving items between workspaces


Moving items between between workspaces helps you change and improve the organisation of items. To move an item inside one workspace to another do the following:

  1. Navigate to the item you'd like to move

  2. Click the "more" menu next to the item and click on "Move item".

  3. Select the workspace you'd like to move the item to.

More features and enhancements

  • A completely revamped real-time system with faster syncing and higher reliability.

  • Faster start of the app.

  • Faster and more reliable full-text search.

  • Items can now be archived.

  • Name and email can be changed in the profile.

  • Many bug fixes and improvements for the editing experience.

Free trial and new premium features

You can enter a 14-day free trial of premium features in the team settings. The free trial will include the following benefits:

Team roles

A collaborator in a team can either be an owner, admin, or member.

Private workspaces

Private workspaces allow you to restrict workspace access to certain team members.

More storage space

Instead of the 5GB of storage space for the entire team you'll get 5GB per team member. We've also added a storage space indicator in the team settings.