Oct 21, 2020

Nuclino turns five!


We're officially five years old today!

Exactly five years ago the first-ever Nuclino account was created as part of our early prototype. Since then, thousands of teams and companies have joined in, working on all kinds of exciting projects in Nuclino – from designing video games to building space supercomputers for NASA – and creating over 2.7 million items in the process!

There is nothing more motivating than seeing our customers use the tool we built and do something amazing with it ❤️

Going forward

It has been an unusual year for everyone. We have left our office in the heart of Munich and became a fully remote team. Companies across the world have been going through similar transitions.

Developing new remote workflows can be a challenge, but we hope that Nuclino has made the shift a little easier. Over the past year, we've seen more and more teams using Nuclino for remote collaboration, from running asynchronous meetings to virtually onboarding new members – some of you even shared your stories with us.

And as our workflows evolve and adapt, so will Nuclino. You have sent us hundreds of messages with suggestions on how to improve and extend it to better match your needs. We read each and every one and will make sure that the highly requested features make it to our roadmap. Don't miss our next update by following us on Twitter.

Thanks again for your trust and support, we'll continue working hard to earn and keep it. Cheers to the next 5 years! 🎉