Dec 22, 2020

Nuclino in 2020: The year in review


2020 has certainly been a year to remember! Or, you know, forget. It’s hard to imagine that things started out relatively normal.

In March, we became a remote team overnight, leaving our cozy office in the heart of Munich. We have always had a remote-friendly culture, so the transition came naturally to us. In fact, a few months into the lockdown, we decided to make it a permanent change, officially becoming a remote-first company. In October, we held our first virtual team get-together to celebrate the fifth birthday of Nuclino 🎂

And while these past 12 months haven't exactly been business as usual, we didn't let it slow us down and managed to ship some good stuff. As we near the end of this tumultuous year, we’d like to look back at our most important milestones and highlights.

Top product milestones

Easier user management

To make managing and working in large teams easier, we have added the ability to create user groups. Now you can notify all group members at once by mentioning them, grant them access to the same content by adding them to workspaces, and more.


More granular permissions

While we always aim to keep permission management simple and intuitive, sometimes you need more granular control over who has access to what. This year, we have introduced two new roles:

  • Guest role: This new role is perfect for freelancers, clients, contractors, and other external collaborators. Guests have very limited access, so you don't have to worry about them seeing your confidential company information or permanently deleting content.

  • Comment-only role: This new role allows members to read and comment on the content of a workspace, while not being able to modify it. It's great for workspaces containing content that shouldn't be directly edited without approval, such as brand guidelines or company policies.

Even faster search and content loading

Making sure that every interaction in Nuclino feels instantaneous has always been one of our core goals. This year, we have implemented a range of optimizations, boosting the speed of full-text search, image loading, and more.

Two-factor authentication (2FA)

Nuclino is now even more secure! A strong password is the foundation of good account security – but this year we have added a second authentication factor, helping you take it to the next level. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is now available to all Nuclino users, allowing you to add an extra layer of security to your account.


Updated typography

2020 has been a year of bold changes for us, and that includes the typography! Along with bolder headings, we have released a series of various additional typography and styling improvements across the app.

Improved embedding experience

Embedding content inside Nuclino can bring your documents to life and save you the trouble of having to keep multiple tabs open. This year, we have added the ability to easily open the link to the embedded content, comment on, or delete an embed.


Whether next year brings in an era of normalcy, or the world somehow gets even weirder, we’ll continue to improve and extend Nuclino to make sure it fits the way you work. We are already hard at work on new updates and improvements to kick 2021 off right.

With that, we're signing off for 2020. We wish you all a happy and safe holiday season.
Thank you so much for being part of the Nuclino community, and we'll see you next year! 👋