Jul 27, 2018

So about Wikispaces...

farewell wikispaces

On July 31, the free and classroom wikis at Wikispaces are officially closing. The platform was founded in 2005 as one of the earliest wiki sites and grew to become one of the world's largest wiki hosts. For 12 years Wikispaces has served as a virtual space for educators, companies, and organizations to share knowledge and collaborate.

The decision to discontinue the service was prompted by many reasons. As more and more new wiki services emerged in recent years, Wikispaces discovered that the required investment to bring their code in line with the modern standards would be too substantial, and it was no longer financially viable to continue running the platform.

Despite its somewhat outdated infrastructure, Wikispaces had amassed a large, devoted following, particularly among educators. The free Wikispaces Classroom, having firmly established itself as the tool of choice for many teachers and students all over the world, will no doubt leave a vacuum in online education.

If you counted yourself among the Wikispaces devotees and are feeling lost without its familiar and easy-to-use collaborative environment, we might have a solution for you.

A Wikispaces alternative

We hope that by now you have safely preserved your content by using the Wikispaces export feature. And while you may be thinking that there is no site quite like Wikispaces, you might be pleasantly surprised.

Nuclino screenshot

Nuclino may not be identical to Wikispaces, but it was built with the same goal in mind. It's a content management system allowing users to create real-time collaborative documents, organizing and connecting them like a wiki, allowing for seamless and transparent collaboration. The easy visual editing, custom privacy settings and access rights, transparent communication, and the other things you used to love about Wikispaces are all present in Nuclino. Moreover, like Wikispaces, Nuclino offers a free unlimited subscription, making it easily accessible to working professionals and students alike.

With no small degree of nostalgia, we bid Wikispaces farewell and hope that you will be able to find your wiki a new home.