Oct 21, 2021

Nuclino turns six!


Time sure flies! Today marks exactly six years since the first-ever Nuclino account was created.

In the past 12 months, we got a ton of great feedback from you, released dozens of updates, and made a big step towards our vision for Nuclino.

Where it all began

When we first came up with the idea for Nuclino back in 2015, we envisioned a tool that would serve as a collective brain for teams. In the beginning, that meant building a lightweight, collaborative wiki. We wanted to give teams an easy and quick way to share information and stay on the same page without having to hunt through docs and folders on Google Drive. Nuclino was designed to focus on one problem and solve it in the best possible way.

But knowledge sharing is only one component of efficient teamwork — and we had more ambitious plans for Nuclino.

Moving towards the future of work

The way we work is becoming increasingly fragmented and scattered. Confluence, Jira, Slack, Trello, Airtable, Google Docs... The number of tools we use to collaborate is growing every day but it isn't making us any more productive. Instead, our attention is getting polluted with more and more interruptions and context-switching. As companies are switching to remote work, the need for a more efficient collaboration workflow — and a tool that facilitates it — has become even more apparent.

So this year, we decided to take a major step towards our vision: to turn Nuclino into a unified workspace that combines the best of multiple collaboration tools in one modern, simple, and blazingly fast solution. A space where you can not only document and share information, but discuss ideas, set goals, and manage projects from start to finish.

A real collective brain.

With the help of your feedback, we've spent this year continuously implementing updates and improvements to support the new workflows, while staying true to the things that have been guiding us since the early days of Nuclino — simplicity, speed, and lightweight design. And we are just getting started! Follow us on Twitter to stay updated on our progress.

Thanks again for your trust and support ❤️

P.S. Want to help us shape the future of Nuclino? Want to see a particular feature included in an upcoming release? Let us know, we read and reply to every message!