Oct 21, 2022

Nuclino turns seven!


Happy birthday to us!

It’s honestly hard to believe it’s been seven years already. In that time, the way teams collaborate has naturally evolved, and so did Nuclino. Yet we stayed true to the vision that has been guiding us since the early days.

If you’re not familiar with our humble beginnings, Nuclino started out as a passion project. Back in 2015, our own team needed a tool to keep our knowledge, docs, and projects organized, yet every solution we tried was too complex, clunky, or slow. Disappointed by the existing options, we set out to solve our own problem.

The idea for Nuclino was born. We pictured a collective brain — a unified workspace where teams could bring all their work together in one place and collaborate without the chaos of files and folders, context switching, or silos. A lightweight, intuitive, and fast tool that focuses on the essentials and works the way you think.

On October 21, 2015, after months of heads-down work, we finished the early prototype and created the very first Nuclino account. In the seven years that followed:

  • 12,000+ teams have adopted Nuclino

  • 7,000,000+ items were created

  • 400,000+ comments were exchanged

Some of you shared your stories with us, and there is really nothing more rewarding than seeing Nuclino empower teams to accomplish something remarkable together.

But we're not done — in fact, we're just getting started. You send us tons of invaluable suggestions on how to make Nuclino better every day. We read every single email, message, and tweet, and will use both positive feedback and constructive criticism to continuously extend and improve Nuclino — without ever compromising on the ease-of-use, speed, and lightweight design that you know and love.

It’s been an amazing seven years, and we’re looking ahead to many, many more. We already have a lot planned for year eight — don't miss our next update by following us on Twitter!