Nov 28, 2022

New in Nuclino: Team insights, advanced security controls, strikethrough, and more


Since our last update, we've released several features aimed at improving the experience for large and growing teams, as well as an additional formatting option, a new integration, and more. Here's a recap of all the new features and enhancements you may have missed.

Team insights

Who are your team's top contributors? Which workspaces are used the most? What do your team members frequently search for? Team insights help team owners and admins answer all of these questions and more, giving them more visibility into how their team is using Nuclino.


Advanced security controls

Depending on your organization's internal policies and workflows, you may want to limit access to certain capabilities of Nuclino, especially when it comes to exporting or sharing content externally. From now on, you will be able to do just that.

We have introduced advanced security controls that enable team owners and admins to:


Strikethrough formatting

It's now possible to add strikethrough formatting to text which is a great way to visually indicate something has been deleted or is no longer relevant without actually removing it.


Pro tip: Use the Ctrl/Cmd + Alt + S shortcut or Markdown ~~text~~ to quickly strikethrough text without taking your hands off the keyboard!

Pitch integration

Pitch is a collaborative presentation software that allows teams to create and share beautiful sales decks, investor proposals, meeting slides, and more.

Now, Pitch presentations can be easily embedded into any Nuclino item. Simply paste a publicly shared Pitch link into an empty paragraph and it will automatically create an interactive embed.


Additional storage options

If your work involves dealing with large files and the allocated 10GB/user storage on the Standard plan is too limiting for you, now you have more options. Previously, the only way to increase your team's total storage space was to add more seats to your team — now, you can take advantage of the extra storage available on the new Premium plan.

Other small but impactful changes

It's often the details that define the entire experience. Here are some of the improvements we've released since our last update:

  • Whenever you delete a file attachment, it will be instantly preserved in the version history, so you can more easily and reliably recover it if needed.

  • We've adjusted the contrast of scrollbars in the dark mode on Windows and Linux, making them much easier to see.

  • We've added several improvements to the PDF export, including better handling of images and support for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters.

  • Searching for an exact phrase now works regardless of the style of quotation marks you use. For example, "…" and “…”, and „…” now all work correctly.

  • We've upgraded the Nuclino desktop app to a new version, which comes with improved performance. We've also made it easier to copy images and made the Cmd + Shift + V shortcut work on macOS, which allows you to paste content without formatting.

  • We've improved the experience of working with inline code, making it easier to switch to regular formatting.

  • We've polished the comment experience, implementing several enhancements and fixing a few small but annoying issues.

  • Images can now be downloaded using the right-click context menu.

  • It's now easier to use the insert button on iOS devices.

  • We've improved the Markdown handling of dates and fixed a timezone issue in the date picker.