Sep 09, 2021

New in Nuclino: New embeds, LaTeX support, and more


10+ new embeds and integrations

Nuclino was designed from the ground up to help you organize all your work in one place. One of the things that make it possible is our wide range of integrations with the tools you know and love.


Over the past few weeks, we have more than doubled the number of apps that can be easily embedded into Nuclino. No need to jump between tabs — preview your designs, diagrams, mind maps, and other files directly in Nuclino.

Now you can embed:

Simply paste the link into an empty paragraph and it will automatically convert itself into an interactive embed.


Math equations and LaTeX support

Writing technical or scientific documentation often involves working with mathematical characters, expressions, and equations — and from now on it will be a much more seamless experience. Now you can render beautifully formatted equations directly in Nuclino, using the full capability of the KaTeX library, which supports most of LaTeX functions.


Equations can be added both inline and as dedicated content blocks. Use the / command to easily insert an equation without taking your hands off the keyboard.


Inline equations can also be added using a handy shortcut — simply type $$ before and after your equation to instantly render it:


Unsure how to correctly render a particular equation or symbol? Check this list of functions supported by KaTeX with the corresponding source code, as well as this alphabetized table.

To learn more about using equations in Nuclino visit our Help Center.

Other small but impactful changes

It's often the details that define the entire experience. Here are some of the small but mighty improvements we've released since our last update:

  • Speed has always been a core strength of Nuclino and we are always looking for opportunities to further boost the performance. This time, we have optimized the way we serve uploaded files.

  • Nuclino desktop app users may notice that it now shows a badge for your unread notifications, so you never miss an update. The desktop app engine has also been upgraded, bringing further performance improvements.

  • Selecting the perfect emoji for the occasion can be tricky. Now it will be less so! We've improved our emoji picker, so you can always find what you need ✌️🎉

  • No one likes running into errors. But sometimes things just go wrong — your connection gets disrupted, a credit card gets declined, a 404 pops up out of nowhere. Now, if you are going to encounter an error, the experience will hopefully be a little more pleasant, thanks to our brand-new illustrations. We hope you never get to see them!

  • Hotkeys galore! We've improved the way various hotkeys work across Nuclino, so you can interact with the app even faster.

  • Cucumber users can now utilize the Gherkin syntax highlighting in code blocks.

  • We've overhauled the entire checkout experience, improving the process and allowing you to upgrade your Nuclino plan on any device.

  • We fixed an issue that (in some rare cases) prevented you from successfully moving an item to another workspace.