Feb 02, 2018

New in Nuclino: Image resizing, mobile web support, and more


Resize images

It's now possible to resize images. Just right-click on any image and select either a small, normal, or large size.


Mobile web support

It's not a mobile app, but we showed lots of love to Nuclino on mobile web browsers on iOS and Android. Make sure to give it a try!


Duplicate items

You can now duplicate items via the item context menu. We've gotten many requests for this as it provides a way to use one item as a template.

Other small but impactful changes

  • Completely redesigned onboarding flow for team creators and invitees.

  • Redesigned "Hint and keyboard shortcuts" in-app help.

  • Added copy and paste support of Markdown-formatted text.

  • Major enhancements and fixes for Firefox, especially the new Firefox Quantum.

  • Improved copy and paste from Excel and LibreOffice Calc. Whenever something from this software is pasted, it automatically becomes a table, not an image.

  • Removed the "General" workspace for new teams.

  • Improved layout and behavior of the graph view.