Jul 31, 2019

New in Nuclino: Image grids, image comments, and more


Image grids

We aim to make the editing experience in Nuclino feel as easy and effortless as arranging building blocks – and this month we took it a step further.

Each image now works like a Lego piece that can be picked up and placed anywhere you want. Want to create a mood board? Compare images side by side? Or simply arrange them in a more compact way? Simply drag and drop the images next to each other and they will automatically form a grid!


Image comments

You can now comment directly on an image. Simply right-click on an image, select Comment from the menu, and leave your comment. As with other comments in Nuclino, you can link to other items and @-mention your team members to get their attention.

Images with unresolved comments are highlighted with a yellow frame so you can easily find them.


Improved image upload experience

It's often the little things that define the whole experience, and we want to get them just right – which, this time, meant enhancing the image upload experience.

Now, when you are uploading a large image, Nuclino will instantly generate a placeholder preview so you can see your image immediately, without having to wait for the upload to finish.


Google Maps embedding

Finally, breaking away from the theme of image-related improvements, we have released an update that allows you to easily embed Google Maps into Nuclino. Simply paste the link to a Google Map into an empty paragraph in an item and the map will be embedded automatically.

Other small but impactful changes

  • Code syntax highlighting now also works in publicly shared Nuclino items.

  • You can now toggle multiple todo items at once by selecting them and using the Ctrl/Cmd+Space keyboard shortcut.

  • Unsent comments and replies are saved even if you close them, so you can come back and send them later.

  • Nuclino can now be installed via Homebrew on macOS: brew cask install nuclino

  • The Single Sign-On (SSO) settings have been redesigned to make the configuration easier.