Apr 30, 2020

New in Nuclino: Guests, groups, and more



To make managing and working in large teams easier, you can now organize team members into groups. For example, you can send notifications to all @Engineers, without having to manually mention them one by one.


You can also add all group members to a workspace in one go and automatically add new group members to relevant default workspaces.

Learn more about creating and managing groups in our Help Center.



Nuclino was designed to make internal collaboration within teams as effortless as possible. But that doesn't mean that you have to fall back on email when you want to work with an external partner.


Now, you can easily collaborate and share information with your freelancers, clients, and contractors by granting them guest access to selected workspaces. Guests have very limited access, so you don't have to worry about them seeing your confidential company information or permanently deleting content.

Learn more about inviting and managing guests in our Help Center.

Other small but impactful changes

  • If you use an internal link, mention, or file attachment in a heading, it will now be visible in the item outline.

  • You can now embed diagrams from ( is becoming

  • Multiple styling improvements and fixes have been made to the drop-down menus across the app.

  • The handling of failed image uploads (for example, due to a connection issue) has been improved.

  • You can now embed custom maps from Google My Maps.

  • You can now easily copy the item URL using the item menu.

  • Notifications can now be opened in a new browser tab.

  • When you use the in-app contact form to send us feedback, you can close the feedback dialog without losing your unsent message, so you can come back and send it later.