Jun 30, 2021

Introducing fields in the board view


We've always envisioned Nuclino as a unified workspace where teams could bring all of their work together. A place where you can not only share knowledge and collaborate on documents, but also seamlessly manage all your projects and tasks. Since the start of 2021, we've made great strides towards this vision.

Back in February, we've introduced fields into Nuclino, making it easy to track additional information about every topic and project you're working on. Now, by popular demand, we have further expanded that feature and brought fields to the board view.


Whatever fields you use in your workflow — priority, due date, status, ownership, and so on — the board view will now give you a quick overview of everything. This will make it even easier to use Nuclino for project management, sprint planning, product roadmaps, and many other use cases that involve tracking progress and managing work using the Kanban system.

As always, we strive to keep the interface clean and clutter-free, so only the first field of every type will be shown. You can customize fields and change their order in the workspace settings.

💡 Tip: Prefer working in the board view? Make it your default view and open it automatically when you open the workspace.